Onward and Upward

Success isn’t something that’s handed to you on a plate. And becoming a keynote speaker, booked throughout New Zealand, Australia and who know where isn’t something that’s going to happen overnight. However, hard work and persistance is what’s required, and if there was ever a woman for the job, it’s me.

I went back to work this week and it’s been tough. My husband was still on holiday, but alas, there is no such things for us stay at home parents. And for people like me, who are also trying to break into the motivational speaking market, it can be tough going. Add to that the New Year cliche of a new gym subscription and you have the recipie for lots of hard work.

However, hard work is something I’ve never shied away from. And my Yorkshire roots mean I’m anything but a walkover. I’m a typical strong-minded Northern woman. (Can I still call myself a girl at forty-something?) And true to form, I made a list, picked through the most important bits and sent some emails.

motivational meme that reads "Push yourself, because no one else is going to do it for you."

And got myself a booking. I shall be speaking in Lower Hutt on the 25th February, which gives me about five weeks to get my act together. It’s been a while since I presented about Parkinson’s Disease. Last time was very emotional, but it was great to know I’d helped, inspired and educated some people. With a healthy dose of humour thrown in. You have to laugh, especially when you have something crappy like this. Otherwise, it’s all too depressing, and who wants to sit around and mope all day?

So here it is. The beginning of something wonderful. First Lower Hutt, then the world! Corporate keynote speakers – I’m coming to join you!

Kitty. 10/1/2019

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