Looking Good?

man wearing black kilt and black shirt with doc marten boots stood with folded arms looking off camera.

There is so much misinformation about so many things, but I hear lots of crazy things about people with Parkinson’s. Whilst looking up songs for my upcoming first radio show about (naturally) Parkinson’s Disease, (other disabilities and illnesses will be discussed) I found this little gem.  “On average, people with Parkinson’s die about 16 years … Read more

Beware the Wolves

Image shows a graph that has increasing health with increasing parkinson symptoms.

If you were offered a chance to live without illness you’d take it, right? The golden promise of health, and longevity without too much effort? Or without any effort at all? Imagine if you are living with an inconvenient chronic illness. How tempting it could be to have a golden carrot dangled close to you, … Read more

Just Another Awareness Day

image of kitty fitton in a dancer's yoga pose.

It’s almost World Parkinson’s Day. It’s something big on my calendar yet I’m sure to most people it’s ‘just another awareness day.’ In the six years I have had this disease I have seen the Covid-19 pandemic sweep the world and an effective vaccination program created and rolled out worldwide.  Yet the drugs I am … Read more