I’d Rather Stay in Bed

Being told that you have an incurable disease is an unpleasant experience. Discovering that it’s degenerative even more so. The world expects. You’re expected to decline. You’re expected to not do well. You’re expected to be sick, take it easy. In addition age brings with it certain expectations. Weight gain, loss of mobility and ease … Read more

Constant Denial

It’s been a funny old week. I’ve been thrown in at the deep end a little at work, raised a good amount for charity and personally struggled with my own health. I mean, I know that I have something that officially is degenerative, but who wants to really admit that? I prefer to live in … Read more

Here We Go Again

image of Michael J Fox .

It’s that time of year when we in the Parkinson’s Community begin to talk of ‘doing something’ for World Parkinson’s Day (WPD). For the uninitiated, WPD is 11th April, which is James Parkinson’s birthday. On this most auspicious day there may be campaigns. Parkinson’s UK is urging people to ‘turn it blue’ and dress in … Read more

Life is Complicated

image shows sign that reads "public road ends" with fields leading to mountains beyond. there is a peak that is covered in a glacier. submissive and a clear blue sky. image shows sign that reads "public road ends" with fields leading to mountains beyond. there is a peak that is covered in a glacier. submissive and a clear blue sky. in

I’m back in bed after doing a 20 min yoga session. Honestly, the amount of times I’ve started a health exercise regime is embarrassing but they say hope springs eternal. Every day is a new beginning etc etc. So there I was, lying like the proverbial beached whale, hugging my knees to my chest wondering … Read more

Live Life Well

an inflatable white unicorn tied to a tree

It has been a while, but with good reason. The start of 2024 was not in any way a good one. I cannot enter into details, it’s still too raw. Yet suffice to say it was an all too stark reminder of the fragility of life. It also served as a reminder that living life … Read more

Baby it’s Hard to Love

image shows Kitty Fitton and Mike Doyle stood together in front of a bright shiny laden Christmas tree.

Christmas is a time for having fun, sharing good times with family and peace and goodwill to all. On Boxing Day we finally found time as a family to sit down and watch a Christmas film. Our usual staple is the wonderful “Arthur Christmas.” It’s slightly sarcastic, utterly charming, contains a stellar cast including Bill … Read more

Stop! Think …

a written list of tasks such as "some task"

It’s been a funny week. It’s Christmas Eve. I’ve managed to survive the onslaught that is my twin’s birthday on the 22nd and am gearing up for not only The Big Day but my step-daughter’s 21st on the 27th and thankfully we’re not hosting New Year. It’s all been taking its toll a bit, but … Read more