You don’t have to climb a mountain or rock to be amazing. (But it does make a great picture.)

silhouette of person outstretched arms on a boulder

This week is about impostor syndrome and motivation. And the very real fact that occasionally we get stuck because of ourselves. It’s crazy. If your friend came up with a great idea you’d tell them to just get on with it. But when we have a good idea ourselves, what do we do? We sit … Read more

Don’t Panic!

kitty in a floral dress speaking to an audience of people.

Crowding In I had the absolute pleasure of speaking at the Combined Probus Club of Kapiti today , and what a wonderful group of people they are. They certainly turned up in force, over one hundred and forty people packed into the lounge area of the Coast Community Church building to hear what I had … Read more


image of kitty smiling into the camera with red flowers in the background.

Holidays Are For: Ah. Public holidays. When the nice thing to do is visit a park with your family, do something lovely or just spend time together. We spent time together. Sorting laundry, ironing and catching up on housework. Nobody ever lay on their death bed and lamented they didn’t spend more time cleaning, but … Read more

The Last Straw

multi coloured plastic straws

This is going to be a bit of a rant. I’m very passionate about the environment. I always have been. I don’t see that being modern, technological and up to date can’t also mean loving trees and the world in which we live. I’ve never understood why people think that to want to recycle and … Read more

Friday Musing

an unmade bed with a white quilt in a dim room.

It’s the first Friday back in NZ. I never thought I would be so delighted to see our (not so) little yellow house and my own bed. The realities of being apart from half of our whanau for so long were brutally painful. Mr 12, a real homebody, missed his siblings and father far more … Read more

Not the Funniest Jokes

Goodness it’s been a funny week. As in, strange, as in, not comedic. I had a spot at the Cavern Club’s open mic night, at which I planned to perform some new material I’d been working on. I was a little reticent. This material was going to be different. I had finally written about living … Read more